Our team at Tamburino Law Groupis pleased to announce that we have recently resolved a motorcycle accident case for $315,000.00. Our client, a woman over the age of 30, was riding as a passenger of a speeding motorcycle in rural Wisconsin in October 2014 when the motorcyclist attempted to pass the truck ahead of him and slid into the vehicle. The driver suffered only minor injuries, while our client, the woman, sustained severe injuries.
As a direct result of the accident, our client was hospitalized for weeks and received a significant amount of medical care. To ensure we built only the strongest case for her, we gathered investigative material, obtained law enforcement materials, reviewed and assessed thousands of pages of medical documents and reports, and prepared the case for potential litigation for nearly two years.
Before our team put the case in suit, our Minneapolis motorcycle accident lawyers were able to successfully resolve the case for $315,000.00. Our client, as well as our legal team, is happy with the results we have recovered and are confident that our client will continue to obtain the treatment she needs due to our efforts.
If you or someone you love has sustained injuries in an accident and believe another person should be held liable, we urge you to call our Minneapolis lawyers right away. We are backed by decades of experience.